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When: April 21, 2018 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Holiday Inn Boston-Dedham Htl & Conf Ctr
55 Ariadne Road, Dedham, Massachusetts 02026
DEDHAM, MA 02026
Organizer: Raysa Ortiz
Contact: REGLA GONZALEZ at reglag@aol.com (6177109088)
Summary: Todo por la Educacion! Aplicaciones para las becas disponibles hasta Abril 15, 2018; atraves de la pagina LNESC.ORG bajo Scholarship Council 12113 c/o Regla González at 617-327-6760 Email:t reglag@aol.com
More Info: Click here.

Event Details


The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) believes that the key to economic freedom for Latinos is through excellence, education, and participation in the political process.

LULAC, was founded in 1929, is the oldest and largest Hispanic American non-profit civic organization in the United States. It has more than 700 active councils within the states and also in the island of Puerto Rico.

LULAC Council #12113, in specific, targets Latinos in Massachusetts by helping them develop self-esteem, encouraging them to continue their education and stay in school, instruct them about the important of political participation, and promote the involvement in voter registration/naturalization drives.

It has considered education to be its number one priority throughout the years and they have given over $100,000 since 1997 to the present.

Local LULAC council #12113 is seeking corporate partners who wish to not only be portrayed as good corporate citizens but also those who are interested in expanding their market and share with the fasting growing consumer segment in the United States and in Massachusetts, the Hispanic community.

Applications available until April 15th, 2018; download at LNESC.ORG under Council 12113
Regla González at 617-327-6760
Email:t reglag@aol.com



Holiday Inn Boston-Dedham Htl & Conf Ctr

55 Ariadne Road, Dedham, Massachusetts 02026

DEDHAM, MA 02026


Get detailed directions and more on Google Maps



  • 2018-04-21 19:00:00 2018-04-21 22:00:00 America/New_York LULAC SWEETHEART 2018 Todo por la Educacion! Aplicaciones para las becas disponibles hasta Abril 15, 2018; atraves de la pagina LNESC.ORG bajo Scholarship Council 12113 c/o Regla González at 617-327-6760 Email:t reglag@aol.com (https://lulac.org/events/2018_lsweetheart) BOSTON, DEDHAM, MA 02026 Raysa Ortiz reglag@aol.com
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